MRM People - Kelsey
MRM People - Robbie
MRM People - Shannon
MRM People - Erin
MRM People - Smiling Man 1
MRM People - Smiling Woman 2
Alessandro Sciortino
MRM People - Smiling Man 2
MRM People - Raluca
MRM People - Joseph
MRM People - Smiling Woman 2
MRM People - Smiling Man 3

In the last days, months or years, technology has become our school, our mum, our beloved ones. It has become our entertainment, our balm for the soul. 

— Hear more about technology from Alessandro

Alessandro Sciortino

Here’s what we stand for, by and with

Fostering an inclusive global community is essential. Not just here, but everywhere. A community in which all people are treated with dignity, respect and fairness.

MRM - R Shape Pattern MRM - R Shape Pattern MRM - R Shape Pattern

Some really important things we really believe

Every department here is a creative department. Ideas are what we love. Ideas are what we do.

Because when we work as a team, we can accomplish absolutely anything. And we often do.

No matter the problem, we have a whole global network of amazing minds to find a smarter solution.

Our job is to make the complex simple and the simple compelling. And while it’s never an exact formula, we know exactly how to handle it.

And with the right touch, that special kind of magic is the perfect opportunity to elevate great ideas.

Period. End of story.

Our differences give us the freedom to uncover new and bold ways of thinking.

The people who lead our people

A global collective of imaginative, fun, passionate and deeply insightful people who make this job amazing every day. We’d like to introduce you to a few of them. 

Kate MacNevin, Global Chairwoman & CEO

Kate MacNevin

Global Chairwoman & CEO

Kate’s Pronouns: She/Her

Bradley Rogers, Global Chief Operating Officer

Bradley Rogers

Global President & Global Chief Operating Officer

Bradley’s Pronouns: He/Him

Diana Caverly, Global Chief Strategy Officer

Diana Caverly

Global Chief Strategy Officer

Diana’s Pronouns: She/Her

Ronald Ng, Global Chief Creative Officer

Ronald Ng

Global Chief Creative Officer

Ronald’s Pronouns: He/Him

Andy Queen, Global Chief Financial Officer

Andy Queen

Global Chief Financial Officer

Andy’s Pronouns: He/Him

Linda Sorbera, Global Chief Talent Officer

Linda Sorbera

Global Chief Talent Officer

Linda’s Pronouns: She/Her

Peter Rooney, Managing Director and Healthcare Practice Lead

Peter Rooney

Managing Director and Healthcare Practice Lead

Peter’s Pronouns: He/Him

Ed Kim, Global Chief Commerce Officer

Ed Kim

Global Chief Commerce Officer

Ed’s Pronouns: He/Him